Whatsapp for windows phone 8.0

WhatsApp Messenger for Windows Phone is an internationally-used messenger app. This application's main use is to chat via instant messaging with one other person, or with multiple people. The app also makes it possible for users to enable Push...

O WhatsApp atualizou sua lista de dispositivos suportados para avisar que o aplicativo do Windows Phone 8.1 e Windows 10 Mobile deixará de funcionar em  ...

27 déc. 2017 ... WhatsApp renonce aux BlackBerry et Windows Phone ... fonctionnera plus sur BlackBerry OS et BlackBerry 10, ni sur les Windows Phone 8.0 ...

Download and Install WhatsApp for Windows … New version, download and install WhatsApp for Windows 7/8/8./10 Mac. Step by step guide for you to enjoy this most popular messenger app on your desktop. Will Windows Phone won't be supporting WhatsApp … Windows Phone will not stop being compatible with WhatsApp. What is going to happen at the end of this year is this: Windows Phones with WP 7+ or any such old discontinued OSes will lose WhatsApp. Virtually no one has phones with operating system WhatsApp Ending Support for Windows Phone on December 31 ...

WhatsApp for Windows Phone | Windows Central WhatsApp has announced that it will end support for Windows Phone 8.0, along with a few other platforms, this December. WhatsAaaaaaaap WhatsApp Desktop could soon launch on the Windows Store Download Windows Phone SDK 8.0 from Official Microsoft ... Windows Phone SDK 8.0 est un environnement de développement complet à utiliser afin de créer des d'applications et des jeux pour Windows Phone 8.0 et Windows Phone 7.5. Windows Phone SDK fournit une édition autonome de Visual Studio Express 2012 pour Windows Phone ou fonctionne comme complément des éditions Visual Studio 2012 Professional ... Windows Phone 8 — Wikipédia

Windows Phone Archives - TechMesto Microsoft has released a major update for the Windows 10 mobile. Publicly called the Anniversary Update, it is now rolling out to eligible devices globally... WhatsApp - Download WhatsApp, free and safe download. WhatsApp latest version: WhatsApp for PC - not quite there yet. Normally, the popular messaging app WhatsApp is only used on mobile devices (Android, iOS, Window. WhatsApp Messenger Windows Phone 8 app released | Trusted… The popular WhatsApp Messenger app has been released for Windows Phone 8, bringing it in line with platforms such as Android, BlackBerry and Apple’s iOS.

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17/03/2014 · Well, there's been a bunch of news about WhatsApp, the messaging program that Facebook bought for 19 BILLION dollars. Yes, 19 BILLION. Why? Because it boasts a user base of 450 million Active Q&R WhatsApp - Appareils supportés Vous pouvez aussi consulter les thèmes ci-dessous pour trouver ce que vous cherchez. Windows Phone Téléchargement et Installation. Appareils supportés Download and Install WhatsApp for Windows … New version, download and install WhatsApp for Windows 7/8/8./10 Mac. Step by step guide for you to enjoy this most popular messenger app on your desktop.

WhatsApp will stop working on a selection of smartphones and mobile platforms in the new year. From 1 January 2018, the messenger service won't be available on any handsets running Windows Phone 8.0